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Must be a qualified Reiki Practitioner


£300 ( 4 hours approx)



Taught in person

Theory - Location is at School of Spirit

Practical - Location is at local Stables on horses


Contact me for more details


tel: +44 07798 615 102



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Reiki student videos Reiki on horses click on links below :-


My Animal Reiki Journey

I was fortunate to be born into a family who practiced spiritual healing: my dad was a healer and he and my mum ran a healing circle. Healing, clairvoyance and psychic mediumship all seemed quite as natural to me as walking and talking. My grandma was very good with animals; she was a farmer’s wife and people would send injured birds and animals to her. I loved animals and from about nine years old I started healing.

When I left school, I became a Veterinary nurse and used my psychic and healing ability to help calm and relax animals; this was especially useful with wild animals that were afraid and which were not used to human contact.

















I enjoy giving Reiki to animals as they have no preconceived ideas, and you cannot put auto-suggestion in their minds. With people you could argue that healing is the placebo effect – induced by the state of a person’s mind and their beliefs. Animals are very honest and if you are not genuine, they will let you know.

Animals are very open to healing, and I have seen some amazing recoveries when giving healing to birds, dogs, cats and horses. It has helped them heal swiftly from operations and injuries and helped with nerves over fireworks. Cats, however, can sometimes be very wary and take a while to settle. When this happens, I offer healing to their owner and then invariably the cat will jump on their owners lap. Cats like the feeling of healing but they like their independence too!


Animal Reiki cases


1. I have used Reiki healing to calm a horse that had a nasty injury on the leg and would not allow us to hose down the wound. After a while the horse lowered its head and relaxed. We were then able to clean it down until the vet arrived.

2. An owner asked for my help with her pony being aggitated in the stable when she tacked him up (put saddle & bridle on). He would also have attitude when being ridden and would buck a lot. The owner had previously has his back, saddle and teeth checked, so we believed this was his attidue and he was naughty in the field with his other horse friends. The Reiki healing worked almost immediately as the pony relaxed and put his head down to accept the bridle willingly. Then when ridden he was happy with his ears pricked up and not one buck throughout the ride. His woner has reported he is alot more friendly and has less attitude though still tries it one with his friend sin his field.

3. On another occasion one of my friends asked for my help with a horse that was scared of beign loaded on a lorry. My friend is very knowledgable with horse and was being patient and understanding of the horses fear. She ask me to see if Reiki would help relax her horse. I gladly agreed and it only took about 15 minues and her horse relaxed so much it was bowing its head. My friend gently lead her horse on to the lorry with no problems. She has said her horse so much better loading on the lorry, though sometimes the horse might hesitate it then walks on with no problem.

4. I have treated a siamese cat who has arthritis and the Reiki helped with the stiffness in the joints. The cat, was very suspious of me a first, so I allowed it to move around the room until it settled on top of its scratching post. I started giving the Reiki from the other side of the room until the cat started to close their eyes, I then quielty got closer to about a foot away. The cat, not suprisingly really enjoyed it.

5. An owner contacted me to help with a cat with cancer near end of life. The cat had gone off its food. I did Reiki distant healing at a specific time agreed by the owners and the owners reported the cat after a few minute sof me sending Reiki got up and went to its bowl and ate some food! Sadly nothing could be done for the cat, but the owners and I felt that the reiki helped bring some peace.

6. I visited a dog with arthritis on a few occassions to help ease its stiffness. The dog was very 'grateful' as it woudl stick out its leg full length for me to give it Reiki and then roll over and do the same with his other leg. The Reiki helped the dog immensly..

7. A horse rescue contacted me who where are based in America and hope I could help with distant healing for a pony that has been ill treated, The pony would pace around its stable and not settle. I set up the healing with the time difference with the UK & USA so their volenteers could watch what happens. When I sent the healing the pony almost immediately stopped pacing his stable and eventually he put his head down and went to sleep. I ask them to leave him and to be as quiet as possible so he could rest. I did the Reiki distant healing for a week and they reported to me each night that he was becoming more relaxed and accepting them going in to feed him, He was still nervous of physical contact but so much better.


Permission and consent

By law the owner of the animal must seek permission from their Veterinary surgeon before healing can be given to your animal.


Even though I always get consent from the animal’s owner and their veterinary surgeon, before offering healing it does not necessarily mean I am able to channel healing directly to the animal. If it is stressed or frightened it might see me as a threat and not allow me anywhere nearby. Many animals have not experienced Reiki before, let alone had an unfamiliar human being walk into their space and spread their arms out over them. Some animals will react by charging at you or barking and other threatening behaviour. Others may just cower in the corner or give you a sign which means “take a hike!” With my many years as a veterinary nurse I am always aware of the animals body language. I respect their space and wait for them to accept me in their home and feel relaxed so the Reiki will enjoy their treatment. I personally prefer the animal to be loose where they can move unrestricted without having a lead on, stuck in their cage or tieds up with a headcollar. Animals will move their body and show you where they need healing. If it is a injury in their paw, leg or shoulder they will lean towards you to indicate where to place your hands. 













​​​Healing Birds

Birds respond very well. With birds that are not used to being handled I channel Reiki through the bars of the cage. I find that some parrots, cockatiels and budgies may not like me to hold them as they feel hemmed in so if they are used to coming out of their cage, I like to allow the bird to sit on top of their cage or where they feel safe. My cockatiel Smarty used to love having healing. She would curl her head round under her wing and fall fast asleep.


Choosing a Reiki healer

When deciding your pet needs healing, it’s important to choose a healer who is experience in animal Reiki and they have insurance. Ideally select a Reiki practitioner who has been recommended and has an affinity with animals. Some Veterinary nurses and Vets have been trained in Reiki, so check with your vets if they know of anyone. Many vets, just like doctors and practice nurses, are more open and knowledgeable of Reiki as a complimentary therapy.


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I understand that it’s important to be patient with the animal and allow it to weigh me up. I usually ignore it at first if it is scared and nervous. I chat to the owner and by the time we have filled out the healing consent form, the animal is either bored of me or relaxed, seeing that I am no threat. I then talk to the animal and slowly, but carefully get nearer to them and start channelling Reiki from a distance. Some animals will not allow you to touch them and I have to work in their body’s energy field. Horses and dogs tend to relax and then jump back into the  “here and now” as if they are fighting the sensation until they learn to relax and enjoy it. On the second or third treatment the animal will probably start to relax when they see me arrive, as they know it’s the strange person who “feels nice.”

I started healing with animals as part of my veterinary work about 30 years ago. I was introduced to Reiki healing by a friend when my five-year-old horse Echo was recovering from septicaemia in her knee. I used Reiki healing to help her and during the healing she would close her eyes and drop her head and shuffle her feet as if she wanted to lie down. Through all my years of practising Reiki I have seen the same with so many other horses and animals. Reiki is excellent for horses who are stressed or nervous and if they are injured and when the vet needs to examine them. It is not advisable to give Reiki to a horse if the veterinary surgeon needs to ascertain pain or lameness of the horse. Because horses are very sensitive spiritually, they can become quite sleepy with Reiki just in case they were required to do a trot so the Veterinary surgeon can see what may be wrong.



Learn to give Reiki healing to all animals, by practical hands on healing horses at my local stables.  Even though on this course you will have experience with healing on horses, the same principles apply to all animals. In the course I will explain healing on cats, dogs and birds,even an elephant.


Practice on gentle horses to demostrate animal Reiki.

Course includes

  • Practical & Theory on healing all animals.

  • Permission from animals.

  • Animal Chakras.

  • Animal consent forms.

  • Reiki Dog & horse analysis diagram.

  • Legal Requirements.

  • Responsibility of the Veterinary Surgeon.

  • Responsibility of the Reiki Practitioner.

  • Full colour Animal Reiki Manual.

  • Animal Reiki qualification certificate.

  • Life time tutor support from me.


Practical healing sessions

Visit local stables for hands on treatment.

Horses are ideal animal for students to practice animal Reiki on, due to their docile nature.

Course format

part 1 -Course theory at Crystal Cottage.

Part 2 - Course Practical at local stables



Covid face covering

Sensible flat footwear and suitable outdoor clothing.

Make friends by bringing whole carrots with you, I am sure they will be very much appreciated.


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I was fortunate to be born into a spiritual family who believed in spirits. Healing, clairvoyance and psychic mediumship all seemed quite as natural to me as walking and talking. I started basic healing at 9yrs old.

My grandma was very good with animals; she was a farmer’s wife and people would send injured birds - The photograph is of her with a Jay she nursed back to health.

See my video of me teaching one of my students to do Reiki healing on my horse Monty. (He is closing his eyes and dropping his head - which is amazing especially being he was hungry, and he had his hay net nearby.)


YouTube Monty Reiki click here


Healing animals


I always wanted and dreamed of becoming an Veterinary nurse. When I left school I was very lucky as my wish came true and I was an veterinary nurse for 20 years, training others and had many happy experiences helping animals. 

I used my psychic and natural healing ability to help calm and relax my patients; this was especially useful with wild animals that were afraid, and which were not used to human contact.



I started Reiki healing with animals as part of my work about 25 years ago. I was introduced to Reiki healing by a friend when my five-year-old horse Echo was recovering from septicaemia in her knee. My friend and I used Reiki healing and I used crystal therapy to help Echo and she would close her eyes and drop her head and shuffle her feet as if she wanted to lie down. Through all my years of practising Reiki I have seen the same with so many other horses and animals.


I enjoy giving Reiki to animals as they have no preconceived ideas, and you cannot put auto-suggestion in their minds. With people you could argue that healing is the placebo effect – induced by the state of a person’s mind and their beliefs. Animals are very honest and if you are not genuine, they will let you know.

Animals are very open to healing and I have seen some amazing recoveries when giving healing to birds, dogs, cats and horses. It has helped them heal swiftly from operations and injuries and helped with nerves over fireworks. Cats, however, can sometimes be very wary and take a while to settle. When this happens, I offer healing to their owner and then invariably the cat will jump on their owner’s lap. Cats like the feeling of healing but they like their independence too!


Course includes how to do Reiki healing on all animals

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Crystal Cottage, 19 Duncalfe Drive, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 5EX, United Kingdom

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